Android 10 pushes Android Auto to over a billion Play Store installs

Android 10 pushes Android Auto a billion Play Store installs.

Android 10 pushes Android Auto to over a billion Play Store installs

Android Auto download counts on the Play Store are explosion positively. In just four months, the app has grown from 500 million to over a billion. Only six months ago, it was at 10 million. An excellent command to expand in less than a year.

If you live under a cliff, Android Auto is Google’s phone-powered infotainment system, which works with your car’s built-in hardware or stand-alone stone on your phone to give you navigation, media and Provides a large screen interface for hands-free. In the last ten months only, the Base app has downloaded a maximum of 10x in its entire lifetime since 2015.

 Android Auto for all this growth.

While it would be pleasant to praise Google for the popularity of the infotainment system, the Android Auto app now needs to be pre-installed on all phones that launch or upgrade with Android Phone 10 – and, we assume. Must do, which also extends to Android 11. This rapid and sudden increase in downloads makes more sense in this context: Android Auto is not suddenly bouncing; Google is just forcing it to be pre-installed on more phones. It’s also a good sign that more phones are running Android 10, although Google has still publishing platform distribution numbers that would otherwise prove it.

Google is ignoring the Android Auto platform.

Just a few weeks ago, the company developed new, new tools for all types of apps, as well as a faster navigation experience. However, Android 11 users may have some issues, and those using Android Auto Standstone on their phones may need to remember that the long-awaited Assistant Driving Mode will be ready for use on the device. And let’s not get into Android Automotive either.

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It has been changed four times in 10 years, and it is still minimal, their share in Android Auto, and other navigation suites rented. How Google Now works This is an excellent example of another lost opportunity, and when the ‘install’ basis is meaningless for the majority of Google apps. I know that so far no one uses Android Auto on their phone except for the novelty of the time.

Nine hundred million new downloads seem impressive from the point of view of adopting the Android version. If I wildly assume that there are 6 billion Android phones in the Play Store worldwide, does that mean that 15% of the phones are running Android 10 or 11? I honestly don’t remember if it’s a better adoption rate than it used to be.


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